Thursday, June 25, 2009

Create Your first Crystal Report Application with C#

Here we are going to create a new Crystal Reports in C# from Employee table in the Sample Database(You can make your own database in SQL sever for this). The Employee Table has four fields (EmpID,EmpName,Post,Address) and we are showing the whole data from Employee table to the C# - Crystal Reports project.

In this application we are going to do three task.
1.Create a Crystal report.
2.Generate a PDF document for the relevant report.
3.Generate an Excel document for the relevant report.

Since I want to show you every steps of developing task I uploaded all the documents to the can download it and read the article.

Download Link :
Link 1 .CristalReport.rar
Link 2 .CristalReport.rar

Create PDF File in C#

A pdf application. Convert the content of the TextBox control into a PDF file. That's it.Here You should add the iTextSharp.dll file to your application.If you search the google you can freely download that dll file.

To add the iTextSharp.dll file you can write click on you project->Add Reference->Browse and then you can select the file from your hard drive.

Here is the interface for the application

Here is the code part for the Application

to view clear image please click on the picture.