Saturday, November 29, 2008

File System Data


There are two type of streams.

Output: OutPut stream are used when data is written to some external destination,which can be a physical disk file , a network location, a printer or another program.Understanding stream programming opens many advanced posibilities.

Input: Input stream are used to read data into memory or varialbes that your program can access.the most common form of input stream you have worked with so far is the keyboard.An input stream can come from almost any source.

*** In C# the system.IO namespace contains almost all of the classes.


Sachith Ruwinda said...

good job Erandika!
it relay helped to increase my knowledge!!

Sachith Ruwinda said...

Good job Erandika!
It relay helped me,to increase my knowledge!

Nikila Peiris said...

hey good work